Look here to see events hosted by IMPA.
Illinois Dairy Brings Holiday Flavors
Illinois Dairies know what consumers like, and they delivered! When it comes to holidays, Illinois is dairy creative with flavors and gift ideas, according to our recent survey results. The holidays are different this year and many of us find comfort in family traditions such as food and gift ideas that bring a smile and warmth to our homes. We polled dairy processors who process and sell products on their special flavors, features and gifts made from milk supplied [...]
Save the Date for 2021 VIRTUAL Dairy Summit
The 2021 Illinois Dairy Summit will be held on Wednesday, February 3 and will be hosted virtually from 11:00am-2:00pm. The theme for the 2021 Summit is Protecting Your Milk Check During COVID & Beyond and will share the latest in dairy management information with dairy producers and industry personnel. COVID-19 brought abrupt shifts in the dairy industry and the supply chain. These shifts left producers frustrated and confused about milk prices and your milk check. Through it all, the dairy industry remained resilient and was a proven and trusted agricultural leader. [...]
MDA Virtual Dairy Experience Forum
This year’s forum is virtual which means you can hear from top industry leaders, network with others from across the supply chain and hear the latest insights into what is driving consumer demand for dairy, without ever leaving your home. The virtual conference will be held on Wednesday, July 15 from 10 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. and includes: A consumer panel providing real-time insight into shopper attitudes, beliefs and behaviors Virtual breakout rooms to network with others across dairy [...]
2020 Dairy Summit Photos
Photo Recap from the February 5, 2020 Dairy Summit Asmark Institute, Bloomington, IL
2020 DS Proceedings Booklet
Illinois Milk Producers Association and U of I Extension Present Dairy Summit Proceedings Booklet Part One Part Two
2020 Illinois Dairy Summit
Preregister HERE! Join us as we look forward to the challenges and opportunities for the Illinois dairy industry in 2020. Three regional dairy meetings are scheduled for Illinois. Program topics include feeding and research updates. REGIONAL DAIRY SUMMITS Tuesday, February 4 Kaskaskia College Life Long Learning Center 27210 College Road Centralia, IL Wednesday, February 5 Asmark Institute 14171 Carole Drive Bloomington, IL Thursday, February 6 Stephenson County Farm Bureau 210 W Spring Street Freeport, IL