nominate Dairy Industry leaders
2021 Dairy Award Nomination Information
Tasha Bunting
For Immediate Release
August 1, 2021
Nominate Dairy Industry Leaders for 2021 Recognition Awards
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – The Illinois Milk Producers Association (IMPA) is calling for nominations of individuals to be considered for formal recognition in 2021 for their outstanding contributions to the dairy industry. The Dairy Industry Service Award and the Sustainability Award showcase leadership, stewardship, and excellence in the Illinois dairy industry.
2021 Dairy Industry Service Award recognizes an Illinois individual who has shown exemplary service and benefit to the state’s dairy industry. The nominee may be engaged in milk or milk product production, marketing, education, research, promotion, regulation, allied service or any service of genuine merit and benefit to the industry. In 2020, this prestigious award went to Leanne Casner of Rosamond, Montgomery County.
2021 Sustainability Award recognizes an Illinois dairy farm or dairy farmer who has made outstanding contributions toward innovative technologies and best management practices to improve environmental stewardship and economic viability. In 2020, this prestigious award went to Kilgus Farmstead in Livingston County.
Anyone may submit nominations for these awards. All nominations will be considered by the members of the Illinois Milk Producers Association Committee, with final awards determinations made by the IMPA board of directors in November. Membership in a dairy organization is not required. Both industry awards are offered annually, and winners will be recognized at the 2021 November IMPA board meeting and throughout the industry.
For more information and nomination forms, visit Illinoismilk.org/events. Nominations will be accepted through Sept. 30, 2021.
If you have questions, contact the Illinois Milk Producers Association by calling 309‐557‐3703 or emailing contact@illinoismilk.org.